Sunday, April 27, 2008

Torch Run

How many people have been following the Olympic torch run? I have every so often...pretty interesting stuff happening. The run is very different this year...maybe that's why I've paid more attention this time. Protesters trying to stop the runners and even an incident of actually putting out the flame. I'm not sure why, but I saw an interesting parallel in our Christian walk and the torch run this year. I did my opening on Phil. 3:12-14 this talks about how we are to press on to the goal. I did a mini torch run complete with some people geting in the way trying to stop the run. We experience something similar in our daily lives...picture yourself as the runner carrying the torch. Now think of those protesters as satan and his workers...they'll try anything to stop us from reaching our goal. We still must press on no matter what gets put in our way; loss of a job, evicted from a home, vehicle troubles, etc. We must remember to run the race to the finish..our ultimate prize will be our's when we get to heaven.

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