Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Always right...Never wrong?!?!

What happens when people drive you crazy? How do you react? I've been thinking of that lately...why? Because I've been watching that happen to a friend and it brought back some memories. Everyone deals with things differently. For me...I'm the type of guy who can let things slide for quite awhile, then it has to be dealt with. I usually talk things over calmly...but sometimes that didn't always work and I can (now) admit that I've blown up. So when I saw this situation happening I started can I help? Well I sat back and waited..after all who likes it when someone pokes his nose onto your business. Sure enough a call came, can I say out of the blue, not really. I just wondered how long it would take for him to reach out. I don't want to knock anyone so l'll just stick to this part of his relationship with his girldriend. Now I'm hoping it isn't like this with every girl out least not all the ones I've met so far. So she thinks she's always right in everything, never wrong. I suppose it's been going on awhile, but he's such a nice guy he hasn't said anything about it before. Anyways...everytime they've had an argument she just doesn't let things drop until he says he's sorry. She then asks him if he's seen that he's wrong, which he admits to only to get her off his back. And she has broken up with him after some arguments....which she was going to do this time again. So my advice...Tell again exactly how he feels about the relationship, and wish her well in her hunting for another guy. Give it time, another thing I told him. Well I got another call saying she had called a few days later..apologised to him, admitted she was wrong and was just being selfish. I wished him well in his relationship and don't expect to see, or hear from him, for awhile as she also doesn't like it when he hangs out with the boys....but that's something for another time.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

First Blog

I've been thinking of doing something like this for a while here goes. First I've been feeling sorry about some things as I look back on my school year. The year is ending and I've realized that I don't know my class mates as much as I should. I've been through 3 years with a couple of people yet I don't know them at all. I can think of a number of reasons, but none of them are really valid. The biggest reason I can give is that I have kids and can't get out as much, which is only partly true. When I first got them, it was true because they couldn't have unsupervised visits with their mom. Now they visit a few hours after school and 1 weekend a month, so I can get out for a few hours in the evening for coffee or even a movie if it's early enough. The other reason, I've discovered this semester, is that I didn't want people to look at me differently. Although that's a bit difficult to do as I do stand out in a colour. I've been shy and had some guilt over my past. I realize that there's not a whole lot of people at school who come from the same kind of background: alcoholism in the family, step-dads, physical abuse..hmmm a lot of beatings!!! I've had a couple of serious relationships that I couldn't hold together, kids in both. So I guess I was worried about how they would look at me each time I shared something of my life. Sorry people, forgive my low self-esteem. I'm working on rebuilding my life. You see people...behind this smiley face there's been a huge battle going on. I'm winning the battles, albeit slowly, but it's coming.