Tuesday, April 15, 2008

One Thing Finished...Another Starting

Well here I sit at the end of a long day...tired, but excited. Tonight was my last class and to finish off the class we had a potluck supper, fun activities, and a time of prayer. We got to bring our families to the final class and my kids had a ball playing with the other kids there. I love how kids operate...my kids didn't know the other kids yet just started playing with them. When it was time to eat, my older boy Tyler wanted to sit at the table with his new friend. Regardless of whether it was the last class or not I still had to turn in my final..and my final paper. Strangely enough I'm not worried about what kind of mark I'll get...just knowing I did the work and finished the class is a great feeling to have at this point. I had to chuckle at myself when I got home...had a thought that went like this, "Ok God...what do you want me to do next?" It wasn't a whiny question, but a question full of confidence. I've had a tremendous amount of spiritual growth this past year, 2 of the Pastors at church have said they could see the growth that's happened in my life. I was really surprised this past Sunday by being pulled aside before the service by our main Pastor saying he needed to talk to me. The leadership as a whole has decided to let me do the openings starting next Sunday. This is a prelude to being put in the preaching rotation. What an awesome thing...doing an opening may not seem like such a big thing to most people, but it's a great step to me! So what exactly is an opening? Well someone gets up in front of the church at the beginning of the service and does a short talk on something spiritual, it may be inline with what the sermon is going to be about that day...but most often it's not. I can finally put the skills I learned in Public Speaking class...Thanks Mrs. McMillan!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, Darren! I just stopped in at your blog - I don't browse blogs very often, and imagine my surprise to see my name there. Thanks for sharing that with me! Grad is tomorrow (Sat. Apr. 26 at 1:00) and it would be great to have you there. If you get this, see if you can come!