Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Death of a Friend

I spent a few hours with my brother this evening after work. We had supper and watched tv. During the course of our conversations he mentioned that a very good friend of ours had died on Monday morning after a couragous 2 year battle with cancer. We talked about all the good times we had working with Donnie Mak; some of his nicknames he had were "Mak Daddy" "Big Smak" "The General" He didn't want a funeral, said he didn't want to be a bother to anyone. One of my former co-workers is going to work on arranging a memorial....we never ever thought he was a bother to any of us and alot of people want some way to say good-bye. He was a very good man who will be greatly missed by alot of people. Donnie taught me alot when I first started working security at the casino, I couldn't have asked for a better person to train me. I sit here with a sad heart, yet have nothing but happy memories of Donnie Mak. Good-bye Donnie...I'll really miss seeing you.

1 comment:

JustJenn said...

i'm sorry about your friend.. you are all in my prayers.

God Bless